i dunno man, im just fuckin... tossing bikes in the river, bro

hi i'm zack!!
i make videos and try to play fighting games. my old account was @daikaijew but i got banned for saying Kill
also i play ffxiv! i'm auburn sky on adamantoise. if you see me say hi and ill blow you a kiss
↬ 28 || 11/01/95 (♏)
↬ arizona
↬ genderfluid? any pronouns
↬ bi

gamesguilty gear
final fantasy xiv
va-11 hall-a
metal gear
star fox
fallout (esp new vegas)
titanfall 2
sunless sea/skies
arcade racing games (wangan midnight, initial d arcade stage)
girls frontline
a whole bunch shit no one plays
initial d
gurren lagann
jojo's bizarre adventure
mf ghost
im too ADHD brain I never watch anything :(
comics (esp spider-man)
tabletop RPGs
star wars
mad max fury road

before you followbigots go away!! no homophobes!! no racists!! no transphobes!! no sexists!! no alt-right or neo-nazis!! leave me alone ya fuckin losersi don't mind if you break mutual, but also talking to me if i do something to upset you is like, cool (thinking emoji)my priv is @BRlDALEXPRESS (that's a lowercase L, not an i) and my nsfw is @elpheltsfoot
mutuals feel free to try and follow (with a priv/nsfw account preferably so i can follow back) but don't take it personally if i don't accept